Saxtons River annual village meeting is April 9

SAXTONS RIVER — The voters of the village of Saxtons River will hold their annual meeting Monday, April 9, at 7 p.m., in the library of the Saxtons River Elementary School.

Voters will hear reports from village officials and be asked to approve a fiscal year 2019 budget for general operating expenses of $56,250, an increase of less than 2 percent compared with the current year's budget.

Elections for three trustee positions will also be held, including two one-year terms and one two-year term. The latter is currently held by Inessa Muse, who isn't seeking re-election.

Other positions to be filled are moderator, treasurer, village clerk, three auditors, and tax collector.

Copies of the annual village report are available at the Village Market and online on the Saxtons River Facebook page.

The SRES library is handicapped accessible.

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