
Time to take in bird feeders, Fish & Wildlife Dept. warns

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department says warm spring weather and melting snows are causing bears to come out of their winter dens in search of food. That's why the department recommends taking down bird feeders in April to avoid attracting them.

“We are asking anyone who has a problem with a bear to report the incident in a form that we have on our website (www.vtfishandwildlife.com) under 'Living with Wildlife,'” Forrest Hammond, Vermont's bear biologist, said in a news release. “There is a section in the form where you can ask us to call you to provide advice.”

Bears are very fond of suet and bird seed, especially black oil sunflower seed. Bringing feeders in at night doesn't work, because bears will still feed on seed that is spilled on the ground.

Other sources of food that can attract hungry bears: pet food, barbecue grills, garbage, household trash containers, open Dumpsters, and campsites with accessible food and food wastes.

Purposely feeding a bear is not just bad for the bear, it's also illegal.

Fish & Wildlife also offers the following tips to avoid bear problems:

• Keep chickens and honeybees secure within an electric fence or other bear-proof enclosure.

• Never feed bears, deliberately or accidentally.

• Feed your pets indoors.

• Store trash in a secure place. Trash cans alone are not enough.

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