
Brattleboro Queer Dance Party teams up with SoBo Studio for ‘Pump-a-thon’

BRATTLEBORO — The Brattleboro Queer Dance Party transforms the Stone Church in Brattleboro into a vibrant, lively event that rivals the energy of Studio 54 circa 1977. This party has built a reputation that entices people from all over with its memorable shows, epic music, and inclusive vibe.

The party honors the performers of our local community by hosting drag shows, dance shows, and performance art pieces. This unforgettable Friday night extravaganza is now partnering with local dance studio SoBo Studio for a “Pump-a-thon to Pump Your Pelvis for Peace” on Friday, May 18, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., for ages 18 and over.

Proceeds will benefit SoBo's scholarship program and give the gift of dance to those who need it most.

SoBo Studio, located in the Cotton Mill's suite #346, is a dance studio that provides a space for people of all ages, body types, and experience to learn to dance and express themselves through the language of movement. SoBo's philosophy is based on their belief that dance is one of the most crucial art forms not only for physical robustness, but for mental and spiritual health as well.

SoBo believes people highly benefit from having dance in their lives and is committed to serving those who feel dance is outside of their budget. SoBo supports parents by providing free child-care at the space for a variety of classes and invites children to enjoy their playroom for all classes so parents can have a space for their kids to play while they dance.

The scholarship program allows SoBo to give generous discounts for those in need to make sure that everyone who wants to dance has the opportunity.

The Pump-a-thon will be a super-power themed costume party where participants are encouraged (not required) to wear a costume of their choice birthed from their imagination. The news release invites attendees to “come as your own personally branded super hero, or super villain - whatever creative vision inspires you most.”

There will be two three-act short performances to entertain, titillate, and provoke the psyche. Get ready for a dance battle against a special guest (hint: he knows many words, the best words, such as “bigly”), with prizes for the winners. There will also be a raffle to win free dance classes, branded SoBo organic T-shirts/tanks, and more.

Music will be provided by DJ Wooly Mar and DJ OCS, with performances by Natasha Romanova, Ciara Grey, Lily De Valley, and the SoBo Players. Hosts for the evening will be the infamous Biz Hallett with her “glorious light saber to defeat the dark forces,” and Toni Bologna.

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