
Leland & Gray Players will present ‘Almost, Maine’

TOWNSHEND — The Leland & Gray Players will perform Almost, Maine by John Cariani at the Dutton Gynnasium on June 1 at 7:30 p.m., June 2 at 3 and 7:30 p.m., and June 3 at 3 p.m.

This production, directed by Jessa Rowan, features nine short vignettes that allow the audience to see the heartbeat between human beings as they struggle through life in the search for love.

Almost, Maine feels utterly real, yet is oddly surreal. A woman's heart is broken and shattered, literally as though it were slate from a roof. A man turns all his physical love from his heart into an engagement ring cradled in a red bag. Two women literally fall to the ground in love, their knees giving out, making it impossible to stand. A shoe falls from the sky, symbolizing a lost relationship.

According to a news release, “These moments of surrealism highlight the power of love and make us as theatre participants shiver and sigh in delight and surprise. Almost, Maine encourages the audience to feel alive in their hearts.”

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