
Bike rider was all but invisible

GUILFORD — On Wednesday, May 30, at about 2 p.m., I was driving east on Route 121 between Saxtons River and Athens when I saw a strange object approaching in the oncoming lane.

Once I was close enough - a couple hundred yards - I eventually recognized that it was a hand-powered recumbent bicycle. The rider was almost completely flat, and very low to the ground. I doubt any object on the bike or rider was more than about 18 inches off the pavement.

Dude: If you're going to be riding on public roads, you just have to get yourself a flagpole, or some other way of alerting other drivers that you are there.

I tell you this as a friend, but as it is you are all but invisible, either to drivers coming up behind you (especially around a bend in the road) or drivers in the opposite lane who, for example, might be trying to pass another car.

If anyone knows who this might have been - or know friends who ride flagless recumbent bikes - you might pass this message along.

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