
The creeping crud of hippie socialists

TOWNSHEND — The real side of the recent Townshend zoning proposal was really to eliminate or control any business by a few activists. Over time, such activists don't want electricity generation, solar panels, billboards, bird and bat killings at windmills, trash burning, biomass plants, cell towers, natural-gas pipelines - and on and on.

Now, new establishments are in their sights, as they say “not in my backyard” and desire to control the multitudes.

Of the 110 people who signed and want a study, they should foot the bill at $545.50 per signer, not innocent property owners. You want it, you pay for it. But these activists rely on other people's money to fund their whims.

I'd rather have a Dollar Tree. It might save Townshend people, including town officials (taxers), from going to New Hampshire (where I've seen them) to save sales taxes. Let's hope the Vermont Department of Taxes catches them there.

Vermont in the 1940s and '50s was the industrial wonder of the United States, on the Russia's top-10 list to eliminate in the 50's. Liberals (hippie socialists) moved in and took the state “forward” to no jobs, high taxes, welfare, and government dependency. I've seen the transformation, a creeping crud.

My two cents, from years of knowledge, frustration, and experience.

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