
WOOL Radio throws 13th annual block party

BELLOWS FALLS — On Aug. 18, the all-volunteer community-owned radio station WOOL will host its 13th annual celebration at the Waypoint Interpretive Center in Bellows Falls with food, drinks, and live music from returning local heroes Ninja Monkey and up-and-comers Debbie and the Downers.

Founded in 2004, Great Falls Community Broadcasting Company put radio station WOOL on the air and gave it a boost in power 10 years later to become one of the most powerful independent, community-owned radio stations in New England.

Owned by members, WOOL provides training to any member who wants a show and supports respectful freedom of speech and point of view on the rapidly disappearing public airwaves.

WOOL's annual block party celebrates the station's independence and is one of WOOL's largest annual fundraising events. Run entirely by volunteers, WOOL has accepted almost no grant money and relies on small donations to fund its broadcasts heard up and down the Connecticut River valley and around the globe on the internet.

WOOL's 30 locally-produced programs, heard on 91.5 FM, are augmented by many independently produced shows and those licensed from California's Pacifica Radio Network, of which WOOL is an affiliate.

“It's always an impressive crowd,” block party organizer Dickie Colo said in a news release. “We've had full moons, thunderstorms, sweltering heat, international celebrities, and local acts perform at this event and the best part about it is always the crowd. I'd say they represent a cross section of the community of southern Vermont and New Hampshire. It's a great mix. The food's great, the beer's cold, and the music is phenomenal. And it's worth coming just to sit in the audience with our neighbors. ”

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