
Our democracy is not quite at its best, but we can vote

PUTNEY — The word “sordid” only begins to describe the reality show “the Donald” is directing. Should we choose to learn the lessons being held up for all of us, they start with the words of Lord Acton. “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Those who drafted our Constitution recognized this possibility and distributed power in a somewhat balanced way (which we must observe even as we recognize the obvious flaws in how the original articles didn't treat all humans equally).

Above all, though, is acceptance of the rule of law, a premise that U.S. oligarchs like Trump have never quite felt applied to them - because it hasn't.

In his world, there's no moral compass, so the only thing you can do wrong is to get caught. And even if that happens, there's always someone you can pay off to take the fall.

That tactic might work in some parts of the business world, but that doesn't work in democracy, which, at its best, is about shared power and, ultimately, being accountable to the voters.

Right now, our democracy is not quite at its best, but there's something we can do.

As we head to the voting booths in November, let's start the process of grabbing back the reins of government from the cast of Mad Men who are supporting the oligarch in the White House.

Let's remember that government is meant to help all of us, not just the wealthy few.

Let's build that blue wave from local and state elections on up to the federal races, and let's rejoin the civilized world - a world where one can hear the call of those who say they've been violated and respond collectively with, “I believe her.”

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