Around the Towns

Cemetery closed for season

BRATTLEBORO - The Brattleboro Recreation & Parks Department has announced that Morningside Cemetery has closed for the winter as of Nov. 16.

The cemetery will re-open in the spring of 2019 as weather permits. For information, call 802-254-5808.

Thanksgiving service in Guilford

GUILFORD - St. Michael's Episcopal Church will have its annual Thanksgiving Day Morning Prayer service at Christ Church in Guilford.

The service begins at 10 a.m., lasts about 30 minutes, and includes hymns.

Selectboard announces budget workshops

DUMMERSTON - The Dummerston Selectboard will begin their Fiscal Year 2020 budget workshops at the regular Board meeting on Nov. 28.

The Selectboard also plans to meet weekly in December.

Budget meetings in Newfane

NEWFANE - The Selectboard will meet on Nov. 26 and Dec. 10 to work on the Fiscal Year 2020 municipal budget. Meetings begin at 6 p.m. in the Town Office building.

Selectboard Chair Marion Dowling says the board will schedule additional meetings if needed.

Free Toastmasters workshop on Nov. 29

BRATTLEBORO - One of the best gifts any person can give to another is to listen to them deeply and actively. On Thursday, Nov. 29, at 6 p.m., Toastmaster Suzanne Bansley will facilitate a workshop on “Listening Effectively” - a vital communication skill for relationships, professional development, and self-improvement - at 28 Vernon St., second floor, Brattleboro (formerly the Marlboro College Grad Center).

Bansley will cover nine listening pitfalls and nine listening techniques. Attendees will practice new listening skills in up to five group exercises.

A Toastmaster for eight years, Bansley has an MBA and is a certified grant professional. This special workshop is free and open to the public.

Workshop on Current Use program offered

BRATTLEBORO - The Windham Regional Woodlands Association is sponsoring a presentation by Windham County Forester Sam Schneski on Vermont's Use Value Appraisal Program on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7 p.m., at 130 Austine Drive, Holton Hall, fourth floor.

The Use Value Appraisal Program, also called “Current Use” or “Land Use” and established in 1980, is arguably the most successful state program for conserving Vermont's working landscape.

By achieving a greater equity in property taxes on undeveloped land, the program has kept forest and agricultural land in active production. Another key to the forest land program is the commitment to manage the land to a state-defined standard.

Signing and submitting a forestry plan is only the first step for a landowner. There is much to learn about a forest, and there is continuing correspondence with the county forester, a consulting forester, and the current-use arm of the state tax department.

For people enrolled since the beginning, recently enrolled, who inherited enrolled land, or who transferred UVA enrollment to their names, this program will provide important information regarding their responsibilities.

West River Radio Club offers Ham radio licensing

TOWNSHEND - The West River Radio Club will be offering an opportunity for anyone wishing to get their Ham Radio license on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 9:30 a.m., at the Heins Building at Grace Cottage Hospital on Route 35.

Test takers should bring two forms of identification (one of which is a photo ID), pencils, a calculator (not a phone), and $15, as well as a copy of any previous radio license.

Those planning to take a test should pre-register with Mary Peterson, KB1YCD, at [email protected] or 802-258-3921.

After the testing session, the club will hold its annual holiday pot luck and monthly meeting from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All are welcome.

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