Girl Scout Cookie Season kicks off soon

For most people, thoughts of Girl Scout Cookies turn immediately to Thin Mints, or maybe Samoas, or another favorite flavor.

But they're more than a sweet treat.

According to a news release, Girl Scout Cookies “power the largest leadership development organization in the world for girls, with a chance to learn financial skills, compete in robotics, earn trips and camping experiences, and generally make the world a better place as a G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader).”

To gain the skills and enthusiasm every Girl Scout needs for a successful cookie season, Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains will host three cookie rallies: Jan. 4 in Hanover, N.H.; Jan. 5 in Burlington, and Jan. 6 in Concord, N.H.

Last year, in New Hampshire and Vermont, 8,200 Girl Scout troops earned $972,000 in cookie proceeds, which in turn were used to support troop activities and often reinvested into local community Take Action projects.

More than 30,000 packages of Girl Scout Cookies were also donated as part of our Gift of Caring program.

This year, the theme is “Go for Bold!” with several interactive and larger-than-life games and activities.

Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls not only discover their inner leadership potential, but also use their earnings to power amazing experiences for themselves and their troop, including travel, outdoor adventure, and science, technology, engineering, and math programming.

Many girls put their earnings toward meaningful community projects right in their own backyard such as supporting animal shelters and food banks.

Whether changing laws on child marriage, improving local parks, helping high schoolers improve their SAT scores, or addressing the opioid crisis, local Girl Scouts are doing amazing things made possible by each and every cookie sale.

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