
Vacant energy coordinator position: unacceptable

BRATTLEBORO — The town of Brattleboro has $10,000 budgeted for an energy coordinator, but the position has not been filled since July 1. This is unacceptable.

An energy coordinator could leverage the initial $10,000 to obtain grants and direct a big-picture approach that helps the town reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and grow the renewable-energy economy, all of which would save money while reducing carbon emissions.

For example, the coordinator could:

• connect Brattleboro residents with existing resources and incentives for undertaking energy-saving measures.

• support sustainable transportation initiatives for ride sharing and bike lanes.

• incentivize regenerative agriculture practices to trap carbon in the soil.

We are climate activists and members of the climate action group 350 Brattleboro; we feel strongly that the town should exercise leadership and show its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint by immediately filling the open energy coordinator position.

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