Administrative manager joins Broad Brook Community Center

Sara Coffey, president of Broad Brook Community Center in Guilford, recently announced that Jaime Durham has been appointed to the newly-created position of administrative manager.

Durham, a Guilford resident, is the first staff member of the Community Center, which was formed in 2015 and now owns the former Broad Brook Grange building.

“Jaime brings a wealth of experience and skills to the position, and we are so very fortunate to have such a highly qualified person fill this part-time position at the BBCC,” Coffey said in a news release. “But equally important is Jaime's enthusiasm for the project and her interest in promoting the BBCC as an all-inclusive community hub in Guilford.”

Durham received her B.A. from Cornell University, and a master's degree from the SIT Graduate Institute, where she has also worked. She has been a language instructor in Thailand and South Korea, a children's librarian, and, most recently, was on the staff of Hilltop Montessori School in Brattleboro.

In accepting the position at the Community Center, “I feel so fortunate to be a part of the BBCC,” Durham said. “It's such an exciting endeavor, and I'm thrilled to be able to work for Guilford in this capacity, and to put my energy and skills to use for a local organization that will benefit my family and community directly.”

In her new position, Durham will handle administrative tasks for the BBCC organization and will oversee the daily operation of the 1896 building, which has recently completed the first phase of renovation into a true community center.

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