Ecological economist to discuss ending dependence on fossil fuels

BRATTLEBORO — The community is invited to join a conversation at the crossroads of economy, society, and environment as ecological economist and author Jon Erickson, the Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy at the University of Vermont, offers specifics and perspectives on the Green New Deal and its effort to address climate change at a Brattleboro Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, May 7, at 6 p.m., at 118 Elliot.

Erickson will speak from 6 to 6:30 p.m. and will lead a discussion until 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

Sunrise Movement, the organizer of this event, is a national, youth-led organization working to stop climate change and to create millions of good jobs in the process. According to its website, “We do not look right or left, we look forward.”

The group says that the meeting “is intended as an informational gathering for ordinary citizens to learn more,” and that “a variety of local climate, social justice, and community organizations will attend to bring their perspectives to the discussion.”

Erickson received his Ph.D. in natural resource and environmental economics and his B.S. in applied economics and business management from Cornell University. His books include The Great Experiment in Conservation: Voices from the Adirondack Park (2009), Frontiers in Ecological Economic Theory and Application (2007), and Ecological Economics: a Workbook for Problem-Based Learning (2005).

He also is an Emmy award-winning producer of films such as the four-part PBS series Bloom on sources and solutions to nutrient pollution in Lake Champlain.

The Brattleboro Town Hall is part of Sunrise Movement's 'Road to the Green New Deal' gatherings to promote Americans' coming together around the future of their communities and the planet.

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