
Co-op supports civil-rights banner with Bag a Bean program

MARLBORO — Beans add up to dollars for local nonprofits at the Brattleboro Food Co-op.

Come shop at the Co-op and donate to We Celebrate Democracy/Civil Rights For All banner at the same time. We are one of three nonprofits featured in the co-op's Bag a Bean Program for May. The others are Safe Place Child Advocacy Center and Brattleboro Coalition for Active Transportation.

You have seen the banner flying over Main Street, marching in the Strolling of the Heifers and Brattleboro Goes Fourth parades and at rallies, photo shoots, and educational forums and meetings.

You have seen me fundraising on Main Street, at the Co-op, and on GoFundMe and Facebook. Now, thanks to the Co-op you have a chance to support us as you shop.

Whenever a customer supplies a grocery bag, a container for bulk foods, or a travel mug, the Co-op offers a 5-cent credit or a fava bean to be dropped into one of three big containers, each labelled with a local nonprofit's name. Each month, the Co-op selects three organizations.

For every pound of beans placed in the designated container, more than $14 is donated to the organization! Donations range from $100 to $500.

The program works to engage shoppers around reducing waste by rewarding them with the opportunity to donate.

I believe democracy is our problem and also the answer to our problems. We Celebrate Democracy/Civil Rights For All is dedicated to encouraging you to participate in positive nonviolent public action for democracy and civil rights for all people.

We'll see you at the Co-op.

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