Newfane, Winhall libraries win grants from Children’s Literacy Foundation

The Children's Literacy Foundation has awarded its Rural Libraries grant to 12 public libraries in New Hampshire and Vermont.

Moore Free Library in Newfane and Winhall Memorial Library in Bondville are local recipients of the grant, which provides two professional storytelling events for families, two new books for each child in attendance to choose, $2,000 in new children's books for the library, $500 in new books for the local elementary school, and funding for special library programming.

“Often the library needs to improve their children's collection to better connect with their community,” CLiF program director Meredith Scott said in a news release.“New books and bringing storytelling events to the elementary school and preschool helps the library to strengthen those relationships.”

The grant's goals are to update and supplement library's collections, increase circulation and library use, and strengthen the library's connection with local schools and the community.

CLiF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to nurture a love of reading and writing among low-income, at-risk, and rural children up to age 12 throughout New Hampshire and Vermont.

Since 1998, CLiF has supported and inspired 250,000 young readers and writers through its literacy program grants and has given away nearly $7 million in new, high-quality children's books.

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