Compass School marks its 20th year with an open house

WESTMINSTER — Compass School will celebrate its ninth annual Compass Day Open House event on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

This is a special day for the school to showcase some of the elements that make Compass unique. Prospective students, family members, friends, and alumni will have an opportunity to visit classes, take a tour of the campus, and talk to students and teachers about the school's distinctive approach to education.

Doors open to the public at noon for lunch, followed by classroom visits starting at 12:30 p.m. After regular classes end at 2:35 p.m., visitors will get a chance to join some exploratory classes related to health and wellness and the arts during the afternoon.

“Folks will see a real snapshot of what happens everyday at the school,” said Brian Whitehouse, director of admissions at Compass School, in a news release. “Students here are learning history and science and all the content that students at other schools learn. But, they're also doing hands on, collaborative, real world learning.”

“What makes Compass special are the strong relations between students and faculty.” said Rick Gordon, the school's director. “It's not uncommon for a student to be in my office to share an idea they have. It's a lot more like an extended family than a school in that way.”

According to 11th grader Emily Vaughn, “The way I've always thought about Compass is that you can do anything, within reason, if you are willing to have the assertiveness to ask and the self-direction to follow through. At Compass, I feel like I am always listened to and supported and have been encouraged to be brave and speak up clearly.”

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