
Town would be wise to get Heller on board to the Board

BRATTLEBORO — While Oscar Heller is relatively young and has lived here a relatively short period time (since 2014), he is an ideal candidate to guide the town.

He has a long-term view, in that he has declared that if it's at all possible, he wants to live the rest of his life here.

He has paid his dues, serving as town meeting rep, leading the Brattleboro Energy Committee and taking his turn running for Selectboard.

Importantly, Oscar is intelligent and thoughtful. He's able to both understand policy and accept input and feedback from people with different opinions from his.

The town needs intelligent people of a wide range of ages and backgrounds to deal with the social, environmental, commercial, and cultural challenges coming its way. Oscar has earned the opportunity to serve in one of the Selectboard positions, and the town will be wise to get him on board to the Board.

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