
How will rural Vermont face the challenges ahead?

‘We will need hard-working, ethical leaders across our geographic and political spectrum to make decisions in the best interests of all current and future residents’

DOVER — Over the next few years, Vermonters, Vermont businesses, and Vermont's public institutions will face significant challenges at the state and national levels from the long-term effects of the global pandemic.

I hope my regular online updates have been helping alleviate some of the unknowns for families and businesses. Through regular online meetings and contact I have been working to keep the district's concerns closely connected to our government.

We will need hard-working, ethical leaders across our geographic and political spectrum to make decisions in the best interests of all current and future residents in the coming years.

I will run for re-election to the Vermont House in 2020 to represent the Windham-Bennington district and the voters, taxpayers, businesses, and students of Dover, Readsboro, Searsburg, Somerset, Stamford, Wardsboro, and Whitingham. I will file my papers to run for reelection as an independent in July, as is allowed by law.

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Rural Vermont has been struggling for decades with demographic issues that impact our local and state economies, schools, and property taxes; the availability of broadband and health care; and our resilience in the face of natural and economic challenges. Addressing these demographics has been and will continue to be the focus of my legislative efforts.

My work this biennium in the House has helped create opportunities to move forward important pieces of legislation related to commerce, education, land use and climate change, health care, and broadband for all Vermonters, but especially for those in rural Vermont.

There is still much to be done. As an independent representative, I pledge to continue to consider the merits of each issue over the various party platforms in the next session.

While it is not possible for me to agree with each one of my constituents on every issue, it is possible to help all understand what is happening in state government, how it may impact individuals, and what additional steps Vermonters may take to weigh-in.

It is truly an honor and a privilege to represent and connect my district to our state government.

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