
Stay safe and give voice to your opinion with absentee voting

BRATTLEBORO — There's a story told about the late Tim Corcoran, town clerk of Bennington and so-called “mayor” of that town. I don't know if it is true, but maybe a reader will know.

He's described as a champion of absentee voting in Vermont and said to have wanted to expand that opportunity because people would come into the office and suggest they would vote for him or for others but they were people that normally would not come to the polls.

Strange that people have opinions - political opinions, even - but don't give voice to them where that matters: at the polls.

And now, we have COVID-19.

Here's a way to stay safe and still give voice to your opinion.

With August primary elections and the November general elections coming around the corner, we encourage all voters to visit their My Voter Page to update their registration address, including their physical and mailing addresses, and request an absentee ballot to be mailed to them.

If you encounter problems logging into the My Voter Page, please contact the Town Clerk's office at 802-251-8157. People can also use the online voter registration page.

Remember the meme making its way around the web these days: “VOTING: 100% more effective than complaining on the internet.”

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