
Brattleboro Women’s Chorus goes online for fall season

BRATTLEBORO — The Brattleboro Women's Chorus will hold its 25th fall semester rehearsals online via Zoom. Morning or evening meeting times on Thursdays begin Sept. 3 for 12 weeks, with the choice of either 10 to 11:30 a.m., or 7 to 8:30 p.m.

As always, singers who wish to try chorus out are welcome to do so on Sept. 3 and 10, but registration is necessary to receive a Zoom link. The Chorus is open to anyone ages 10 and up who identifies as a woman or as non-binary, and whose vocal range comfortably includes the A in the middle of the treble staff.

Themes throughout the 12 weeks will be welcoming the ancestors, healing, and moving into the new and the now.

A Zoom final concert will be held on Nov. 22.

Founder-director Becky Graber has created backing tracks to sing along with, and she will offer practice tracks and occasional YouTube tutorials.

“We'll sing wonderful songs for you to take away with you into your daily life,” she said in a news release, “and I'll offer ways you can enjoy exploring your own singing. There's a lot Zoom can't do, but we'll find ways to enjoy making music together in our own spaces.”

The chorus offers a new sliding-scale option in the fee structure for this fall, as well as family and student rates and financial aid. Registration and payment may be completed online or by U.S. mail. Visit for more information.

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