
Your vote counts. Don’t waste it.

VERNON — So you think your vote doesn't count? Think again.

As recently as 2016, two Vermont legislative races were decided by one vote. In a 1976 classic in nearby Brattleboro, Republican Sidney Nixon lost his legislative seat to Democrat Robert “Bob” Emond by one vote.

Your vote is important. It's the one thing in a democracy that is yours and yours alone.

Don't waste it by staying home, by saying, “I've other things to do.”

In every election, your vote counts. This year, both sides in our nation's presidential race are clamoring for your vote. I won't state my opinions, because those are between me and the ballot box. I just care that you vote.

If you want to know how to register, or how to vote. please contact me, and I'll point you in the right direction.

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