
Take turns at complex intersection

BRATTLEBORO — You've heard this phrase most of your life: “Take turns.” First, most likely when sharing with siblings, but definitely by the time kindergarten enters your world.

Many a driver in this community must have missed that important early lesson, since I continue to notice how the “me-first” mentality remains alive and well here.

Specifically, I refer to our other “malfunction junction” at the base of Union Hill, where it converges with Elliot, Frost, Birge and Williams streets.

So locally, here is an area of our lives where we have the opportunity and must take control; otherwise, it could be hazardous not only to your health but to other drivers as well.

Folks, just take your turn. It is an easy concept to understand and follow.

If necessary, find your number and count: “1,” “2,” “3,” “4,” and then “5, go, it's your turn.”

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