Windham-4 representatives plan community meeting

State Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun of Westminster and State Rep. Mike Mrowicki of Putney, the two representatives of Windham-4, will host an online community meeting for residents of Westminster, Putney, and Dummerston.

The event, on Saturday, March 20 at 10 a.m., will update constituents and answer questions about goals, challenges, and legislative bill proposals for this legislative session.

The two, both Democrats, will also give updates from the Climate Solutions, Women's, Rural Economic Development, Workers', and Social Equity caucuses.

Bos-Lun will join Malaika Puffer, a Dummerston psychiatric survivor and mental health advocate, to speak about a proposed $16 million secure therapeutic facility planned for Middlesex, with a discussion to follow.

Email Mrowicki ([email protected]) or Bos-Lun ([email protected]) for the link to join the online meeting.

For more information, contact UVM Legislative Aide Jonathan Barthe at [email protected].

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