
Successful vaccination clinics in Halifax

HALIFAX — The town of Halifax recently hosted COVID-19 vaccination clinics and ice cream socials. There are many people - and one dog - to thank for these very successful events.

Selectboard Member Pete Silverberg proposed the clinics, and all board members approved. The kind and professional crews of Rescue Inc. brought their medical trailer and answered myriad questions and assuaged concerns about vaccine testing and safety.

Joan Coarser and Laurel Copeland scooped the free ice cream provided by the Halifax Community Club. Kelso the Therapy Dog offered good will and was happy to “clean” ice cream dishes.

Some already-vaccinated members of the community also came out to support the event. The true heroes were those who, despite busy schedules and concerns, came to get vaccinated.

For some people, the events were family outings. Those who participated in these events have helped to make Vermont a safer place to live, one where we can better protect those who are yet too young be vaccinated.

For the actions of all these people - and Kelso - I am grateful.

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