
Greedy, cynical, and sordid health-care system preys on seniors

WESTMINSTER WEST — I am very appreciative of Jane Katz Field's piece.

Months before my husband was to become eligible for Medicare, he started doing exhaustive research on the various plans, which resulted in him avoiding Medicare Advantage plans like the plague.

At the time, I teased him about the intensity of his research and, boy, did I eat my words after an illness landed him in the hospital three times this past spring.

His due diligence saved us thousands of dollars and, more importantly, spared him from a potential delay in treatment due to no in-network surgeons being available. Such a delay would have resulted in untold pain and the likelihood that it would have worsened his condition.

An FYI: Ralph Nader Radio Hour has an excellent podcast on the subject, “Medicare Advantage? No Advantage”.

The sad fact is that “our” government isn't out to help seniors, it's out to line the pockets of the insurance companies who make large donations to public officials. The goal is to keep the revolving door of politicians, lobbyists, and big business running smoothly.

It's such a greedy, cynical, and sordid system.

At the time of life when citizens so need a government that advocates and cares for them, instead it just takes advantage of them.

It will soon be open season on seniors. Be careful out there.

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