NAMI Family-to-Family class offered on March 2

Is your family member struggling with mental illness? The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont (NAMI Vermont) is offering a virtual NAMI Family-to-Family education program for caregivers of family members diagnosed with mental health conditions.

This free, evidence-based 8-week program is facilitated by trained volunteers who care for family members themselves. The Southern Vermont class begins Wednesday, March 2, at 6:30 p.m., via Zoom.

The curriculum includes information about mental health conditions and treatments, coping skills, handling crisis and relapse, local and national resources, listening and communication techniques, and problem solving, limit setting, and self-care.

Most importantly, the course offers family members the invaluable opportunity of open conversation and mutual support in a stigma-free environment.

Course participants, now more than 400,000 people nationwide, say they find the Family-to-Family experience empowers them to understand and pursue paths toward healthy recovery for their loved ones, their families, and themselves.

Registration for the class is required and can be found at or by calling 800-639-6480.

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