
Bos-Lun: a seemingly endless amount of energy

DUMMERSTON — I first met Michelle Bos-Lun in 2018 when I was running my campaign to be a state representative for the Windham-4 district. Michelle and I found plenty of common ground when it came to issues surrounding racial justice, mental health services, refugees and immigration, and helping the most marginalized Vermonters in Windham County.

Beyond the policy issues, Michelle is also an extremely hard-working and dedicated person. She has a seemingly endless amount of energy when it comes to reaching out to constituents, doing research, and discussing the issues.

While Michelle served as my legislator, she was easy to get ahold of and very responsive to any questions I had. This is a key characteristic that is essential for any legislator. I have also learned that Michelle knows how to reach across the aisle, but she will also dig in her heels when it comes to vital issues like climate change, access to abortion, or racial justice.

In recent months, Michelle worked with the NAACP on a campaign I was also involved with to reform cash bail for nonviolent misdemeanors. She is working to reform our justice system here in Windham County and throughout Vermont.

I am supporting Michelle Bos-Lun for reelection, and I hope the voters of the new Windham-3 district - Westminster, Rockingham, and Brookline - will, too.

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