
Roberts: prepared to make the right decisions

JACKSONVILLE — What qualities would I like to see in my state representative? A few would be integrity, transparency, willingness to vote by issue and not by party, and acumen in how both government and the private sector work.

I see these qualities in Tristan Roberts, who is running for state representative for Windham-6.

My confidence in him comes from personal experience. Tristan knocked on my door and sought out my input, both as a Whitingham resident and in my role in economic and community development experiences throughout southern Vermont. He related our challenges to those also faced in Halifax, and he shared ideas on legislative priorities.

Tristan's knowledge gained from serving as a Halifax Selectboard member will benefit us well, as he understands government procedures. He will be prepared to jump in to make the right decisions on hot topics, including housing, workforce, health care, fiber broadband, transportation, and the 2024 budget.

As an independent thinker, he will do the research and understand proposed legislation to make a well-informed decision prior to a vote.

We need representation that is transparent. In a recent candidate forum, Tristan was approachable. I saw him entertain questions of all kinds with consideration, openness, and clear values.

Tristan Roberts will be a great voice and make us proud.

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