
‘Siegel is the only candidate I can imagine who could inspire me to vote for a Republican’

BRATTLEBORO — The Vermont Democratic Party should be ashamed of leaving Brenda Siegel in an uncontested primary to be the Democratic candidate for governor.

Siegel has no visible record of accomplishments or experience that might make her a reasonable candidate for the highest office in the state.

Her actions as director of the Southern Vermont Dance Festival landed her in Windham County's small claims court with at least one contractor (Vermont Superior Court, Windham Civil Division, docket number 149-8-16 WMSC). The case rightly went against her and came with a small, but fair judgment.

In the face of the judgment against her, Siegel still refused to pay what she owed. She appealed the court's decision and showed up in court, without her lawyer or any evidence to support her appeal, using valuable court resources.

Siegel justly lost that appeal, and failed to make the monthly payments she agreed to. More than 2{1/2} years after the work she authorized was completed, the contractor settled for about 80 percent of what the court required, which was less than half of what was due.

If it's hard for you to imagine a Trump-like Democrat - someone who is never to blame, always the victim, who lies when it suits her, and who stiffs people who, in good faith, have worked for her - then look no further than Brenda Siegel.

When Election Day comes, I will vote for Democrats and Progressives at every level of our federal, state, and local elections, save one. Brenda Siegel is the only candidate I can imagine who could inspire me to vote for a Republican.

And while I disagree with Gov. Phil Scott on nearly every issue - in stark contrast to Siegel - he has demonstrated himself to be a temperate, responsible, reasonable, and moderately competent person with a record of accomplishments both in and out of office.

Given the alternative, come November, rather than abstain, I will be voting for Scott. I encourage every Vermonter who cares about the future of our state to do the same.

And when the next election cycle comes, let us hope Vermont's Democratic Party will see fit to offer us a competent, thoughtful candidate with actual experience and a record of achievements worthy of the highest office in the state.

They have failed us this time around.

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