
BUHS hosts regional fall music festival

BRATTLEBORO — The Connecticut Valley District Fall Music Festival will be held at Brattleboro Union High School on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18 and 19.

Approximately 150 student musicians from Windham and Windsor counties will form four honors ensembles, including a high school band and an a cappella choir and a middle school jazz band and chorus. The musicians were selected from auditions or teacher recommendations. This festival was last held in November 2019.

Represented schools include Brattleboro Union High School, Brattleboro Area Middle School, Leland & Gray Union Middle and High School, Hartford High School and Middle School, Hartland Elementary School, Bellows Falls Union High School and Middle School, Green Mountain Union High School, Green Street School, and Albert Bridge School.

Among the guest conductors chosen to lead the ensembles is Heather Trutor, director of bands at Essex High School and an alumna of BUHS, who will direct the high school band.

Two concerts on Saturday in the BUHS auditorium include a 3 p.m. performance of the middle school ensembles, as well as a 5 p.m. concert of the high school groups.

Admission is $6 for adults and $4 for students and seniors. Tickets are available at the door.

For more information, call 802-451-3511.

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