
Missing the forest

BRATTLEBORO — The clutter of negative ads in the governor's race is obscuring the most important issue facing us today - creating the conditions for the growth of good new jobs in Vermont. 

In order to have any kind of decent future, we need new businesses investing in good-paying, new-technology jobs. But no one is going to create or move a new business to Vermont if they can't use their cell phones to see if the kids got home safely or check to see if the parts shipment arrived on time. 

Peter Shumlin has the courage to promise this investment. He will use Vermont's excellent credit to finance quality broadband Internet and cell-phone service for the entire state. Brian Dubie has spoken vaguely about more tax breaks and easier permitting and lax regulation, but there is abundant evidence that these ideas are not  effective in promoting growth, especially in tough times. They have all been tried in the past, and they don't work. 

Without government investment to improve our physical and electronic infrastructure, there is no way we will generate enough tax revenue to support the services we want, no way our children will be able find decent jobs and stay in Vermont, no way we can continue to support the kinds of schools that develop students who year after year score among the best on valid national tests (like the National Assessment of Educational Progress).

Please look beyond the distractions of campaign ads created by political operatives and vote for a better future for all of us. We can't afford more of the failed policies of the past eight years. Support Pete Shumlin for governor.

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