Town and Village

Around the Towns

All Souls hosts creative writing workshop

WEST BRATTLEBORO - All Souls Church, 29 South St., will host two sessions of an Ekphrastic Writing workshop with artist/instructor/writer Trish Murtha on Thursday, June 29.

Ekphrastic is the Greek term for creative, descriptive writing triggered by a particular work of art - visual, musical, or other. Many museums and art centers now encourage writers to delve into a piece of art, or several, as a prompt for creative written expression.

Writers, poets, artists, and anyone who wants to explore word imagery are invited to create ekphrastic writing inspired by Karen Becker's art, now on exhibit at the West Village Meeting House. “Becker's artwork is so evocative as to be a perfect jumping off place for anyone to inspire a poem, Haiku, story, or a song,” organizers say.

The sessions are offered from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., or 5:30 to 7:30 pm, and attendance is limited. All experience levels are welcome. Simple supplies and snacks are provided, but participants may bring their own. The cost is $22 per person (some funding available if needed). To reserve a space or ask questions, email [email protected].

'Faces of Dummerston: A Work in Progress' seeks ID help

DUMMERSTON - The Dummerston Historical Society's newest exhibit, “Faces of Dummerston: A Work in Progress,” is currently on display at the Society's schoolhouse in Dummerston Center, featuring over 150 photographs of town residents.

Some images are ancient; more were taken within living memory. Teachers, farmers, firefighters, bankers, truckers, writers, engineers - here they all are: some posed, many captured at public events such as the Apple Pie Festival.

The project is a work in progress. Some photos are yet to be identified. Visitors are invited to add names and catch errors. And when the pictures come off the walls, they will be preserved in albums to which new faces will be added over time. Also on display is Charles Fish's collection of cameras and other gear representing photographic practices of past and present.

The exhibit will be open every Sunday, 2 to 4 p.m., until Aug. 6, and other times by appointment. The public is invited, admission is free, and the Schoolhouse is handicapped accessible. For information, email Gail Sorenson at [email protected] or call 802-254-9311.

SEVCA Family Support Services available soon at Wilmington's Old Firehouse

WILMINGTON - Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) will soon offer benefits application assistance in Wilmington at the Old Firehouse Municipal Offices at 18 Beaver St.

SEVCA Family Services specialists will be at the Wilmington site on the second Tuesday of the month from 1:30 to 4 p.m., starting on July 11. They will assist families and individuals experiencing life-changing emergencies through crisis resolution programs and strategies that provide financial assistance, case management, service linkage, and advocacy.

Assistance with 3SquaresVT applications, access to Farm-to-Family coupons, utilities assistance programs, housing supports, and budgeting and financial counseling will also be offered. More information is available at,, or by calling 800-464-9951.

Senior meal served in Dummerston

DUMMERSTON - Evening Star Grange and Senior Solutions will serve their Second Wednesday luncheon on July 12, with take-outs available from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and eat-in meals served at noon in Dummerston Center.

On the menu is cold sliced ham, potato salad, and pasta salad, with Funfetti Cake for dessert. A vegetarian protein dish will also be available. Reservations are strongly suggested and can be made by calling the Grange at 802-254-1138. Leave name, phone number, the number of meals, and whether eating in or taking out. A donation of $3 for those 60 and older and $4 for the younger folks is suggested.

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