
Partridge: much more work to do

WINDHAM — I strongly encourage the voters of Athens, Brookline, Grafton, Rockingham, Windham and a portion of North Westminster to exercise your right to vote on Nov. 2. 

I humbly ask for your consideration and vote on Election Day and also suggest that you consider using your “early voting” option by contacting your town clerk.

I offer my experience, leadership, caring dedication, and hard work if I am re-elected. 

We face many challenges this coming biennium, including building a balanced, responsible budget; making progress in ensuring that all Vermonters have access to affordable health care and pharmaceutical drugs; promoting job creation and economic development; and continuing our work on property taxes – looking for ways to improve the system while maintaining our commitment to high-quality education for all of Vermont's children, as well as income sensitivity and equity. 

Many other very important issues will emerge during the next two years, and I would like the opportunity to continue to represent the people of the Windham-4 district in Montpelier.

The closer we come to a 100-percent voter turnout, the closer we come to a true democracy. Let your voice be heard! I thank you for your consideration and appreciate your vote.

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