Alert reader Tim Wessel texts the editor a reasonable question.
Alert reader Tim Wessel texts the editor a reasonable question.

Context is everything

BRATTLEBORO — Owing to a production error, the print edition of last week's Commons omitted the byline and author information for "We can break the car's cultural grip," a piece written by Rebecca Jones of Brattleboro.

Jones is a physician practicing in Brattleboro and a member of 350 Brattleboro, a local volunteer group dedicated to climate justice.

To be clear, this was squarely my mistake. The online version of the piece was properly attributed.

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On a related note: As a result of our recent redesign, which required a herculean effort of data conversion of 15 years of data into a new database structure, our website archives are missing biographical information for many Voices contributions. We are in the process of correcting these omissions for the record.

Context for Voices contributions is an essential part of the whole, and we apologize for these omissions. -Jeff Potter, editor

This Voices Clarification by Jeff Potter was written for The Commons.

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