Town and Village

Around the Towns

Windham Southeast Pre-K sign-ups begin

BRATTLEBORO - The Windham Southeast School District offers pre-kindergarten education in Guilford, Putney, Dummerston, and Brattleboro (Oak Grove and an anticipated classroom at the Brattleboro Early Childhood Center at Canal Street School) for children who are 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2024. Pre-K follows the school calendar and is for a full school day.

Call the school to request a registration packet: Guilford residents, call 802-254-2271; Putney residents, call 802-387-5521; Dummerston residents, call 802-254-2733; and Brattleboro residents call 802-254-3740. Registration packets are due back to the school by Feb. 16. Space in these programs is limited; if there are more children than spots available, a lottery will be used to fill the classes.

Bingo & Game Night at Putney Central School

PUTNEY - The Putney Central PTO and the eighth-grade class will have a Bingo & Game Night on Friday, Jan. 19, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the school gym. All ages and families are welcome.

There will be multiple rounds of Bingo with prizes for each round. The final game will include a cash prize. Those not into Bingo are welcome to come play board games or bring their own cards and games to play with friends. There will also be raffle tickets sold at the door. Baked goods, snacks, and drinks will be available for cash sale.

River Gallery School hosts life drawing marathon

BRATTLEBORO - The Drawing Studio and River Gallery School present a weekend of life drawing workshops centered around diverse approaches to figure drawing and portraiture. These four workshops will take place on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 20 and 21, at River Gallery School on Main Street.

There will be instruction, drawing time, and an integrated critique with each workshop. Enroll for one or both days. Full information can be found at or by calling River Gallery School at 802-257-1577.

Efforts for after school options in Putney to be discussed

PUTNEY - Efforts are underway to expand after school programming in Putney, and input from parents is needed and welcomed.

A team of community members, led by Katy Emond, are busy writing a 21st-Century Learning Centers grant request through the Vermont Agency of Education. A public meeting to hear about the grant and for community members to offer feedback will be held at the Putney Public Library on Sunday Jan. 21, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. All are welcome.

Senior lunch in Dummerston

DUMMERSTON - Evening Star Grange and Senior Solutions will host a Senior Lunch on Wednesday, Jan. 24, with take-out available from 11:30 a.m. to to 1 p.m., and in-house seating at noon.

The menu will be Chicken à la King over noodles with a vegetarian option of plant-based hamburger in sauce over noodles, and marinated carrots, with bread pudding for dessert.

Reservations are strongly suggested so that they will have an idea how much food to make. Call the Grange Hall at 802-254-1138 and leave name, phone number, the number of meals desired, and whether they are for eating in or taking out. A donation of $3 is asked for those 60 and above, and $4 for those 59 and under.

'Cultivating community' book group at Putney Library

PUTNEY - The Putney Public Library is launching a book group "to explore ways to build stronger connections in our lives and cultivate a deeper sense of belonging in our community."

Each month, participants will read a book, published within the last three years, that offers what the library calls "inspiring, actionable advice on how to grow a more connected world." Gatherings will occur once a month for participants to discuss "the various tips, strategies, and activities offered in each book and brainstorm ways to put these ideas into practice in our lives."

The first meeting, on Wednesday, Jan. 24, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Library will discuss the book We Should Get Together by Kat Vellos. Putney Library cardholders can pick up a copy at the library.

According to the publisher, We Should Get Together is "the handbook for anyone who's ready for better friendships, now. Millions of adults struggle with an uncomfortable and persistent ache: platonic longing, which is the unfulfilled wish for authentic, resilient, close friendships." The book resulted from the combination of expert research and personal stories pulled from conversations with hundreds of adults.

Monthly produce distribution in Putney

PUTNEY - The Vermont Foodbank and the Putney Foodshelf co-sponsor a monthly food drop of free produce and some nonperishables on the fourth Thursday of every month from 9 to 9:45 a.m. on Alice Holway Drive (in front of Putney Meadows, the white building across from the Putney Co-op and Putney Fire Station).

The January Free Produce Distribution will be on Thursday, Jan. 25. All are welcome. This is a drive-up service. Bags provided.

Afternoon Tea fundraiser benefits Community Center

WEST DUMMERSTON - Everyone is invited to put on their finest attire and come to the Dummerston Community Center on West Street on Saturday, Jan. 27, from noon to 2 p.m., for a sophisticated Afternoon Tea affair with exquisite teas, delectable treats, and party games.

The cost is $20 with the option to purchase a tea cup and bring it home. Reservations are required. Call or text 802-380-1424 by Thursday, Jan. 25. This fundraiser is to benefit the Community Center's new playground fund.

This Town and Village item was submitted to The Commons.

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