
Can we get Groundworks more recurring donations?

Having moved back to Brattleboro recently, I am feeling helpless about the serious homelessness crisis. I know I am not alone in this.

In talking with Libby Bennett, director of development and communications at Groundworks Collaborative, she explained that Groundworks - which includes the Foodworks food shelf program and many more services - is only funded by government grants for roughly 65%, and the other 35% comes from fundraising with some small grants, occasionally.

Although we live in a generous community that will designate Groundworks as the recipient of some of their events, 35% sounds like a lot to raise.

On Groundworks' user friendly website - GroundworksVT.org - you can not only donate but set up recurring monthly donations. Wouldn't it be great if we could increase their monthly donations significantly so they know they have more funds they can count on? Even a small amount adds up.

I would like to encourage as many of you that are motivated to sign up and see if we can reach 100 new monthly contributors.

Patricia Burleson


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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