
Brattleboro race: reach out to wisdom, youth, and culture

I write to share one person's opinion regarding the upcoming Brattleboard Selectboard March 5 election.

My opinion is as an "interested neutral." While we still maintain our town home, we now live in the Pioneer Valley.

We love Brattleboro and Windham County. At this precarious time, it really needs intelligent, compassionate stewardship from its leaders.

Fortunately, in looking around Brattleboro's areas of leadership, I've observed that the very best station of leadership where the integrity is both wide and deep is the Selectboard. And the race for the three seats is truly competitive in the best sense - having enthusiastic devoted town leaders vying for seats civilly, like civic musical chairs.

So, while I believe everyone running is competent and some room will be vacated after Selectboard Chair Ian Goodnow's term expires, it's important to send important messages for the Selectboard to steward and lead the way.

I hope people choose wisdom, youth, and diversity. To the two out of five I omitted, it's with the recognition that they are already so active with service and activism that they are fully invested even without Selectboard election.

I recommend the wisdom of Dr. Franz Reichsman; the "youth" at youthful middle age, Oscar Heller; and the cultural diversity of Jaki Reis.

Peter "Fish" Case and Richard Davis are energetic, talented, and committed townsfolk. Consistent with Ian Goodnow's quote - "I'm excited to give some new people an opportunity and to look for other ways to serve my community" ["Races are on for three seats on Brattleboro Selectboard," News, Feb. 14] - it's time to modestly and judiciously shake things up enough to reach out to wisdom, youth, and culture.

Michael Hoffman


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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