
Carter: Plunged right into community work

I am pleased to be supporting Chip Carter for the three-year opening on the Guilford Selectboard.

I take it as a good sign when people arrive in town and plunge right into work for a community organization, as Chip has done with the Green River Village Preservation Trust.

Being on a town Selectboard has become a demanding and complex job, and it is important, if we want to preserve this form of small-town government, that we continue to find talented people - including our current chair, Zon Eastes - who are willing to devote their time to the position, as Chip Carter will do.

Guilford voters will be able to meet the candidates at the Pre-Town Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 6:30 p.m. at Broad Brook Community Center. Vote for Chip on the Australian ballot at Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 5 at Guilford Central School, or ahead of time by contacting the town office or by going to the Vermont Secretary of State's site.

Don McLean


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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