
Dear Editor

Please consider publishing my letter advocating Steve Pritchard to the Guilford select board.

Guilford voters, please consider a breath of fresh air to the Guilford select board when you vote on March 5th, Steven Pritchard a true Vermonter is running for the two-year seat on the select board. Stevens desire is to be a voice for the people of Guilford. Steven believes that transparency is important, Steven knows if elected he is working for the residents of Guilford, not big government agendas. Steven and his wife Barbara love Guilford, and its pastoral setting.

Steven worked and retired from the public works department in Brattleboro, primarily the recreation department, where he is fondly remembered by hockey players and skaters as the Zamboni guy.

Steven's motto will be "your agenda will be my agenda" citizen input and access to the governing body, are imperative to Steven. We are a small community, said Steven, and our farms, cottage industries and small businesses all will receive his support.

I will be voting for this breath of fresh air on Town Meeting Day, I'll be voting for Steven Pritchard. Please consider voting for Steven Pritchard also.

Desiring the best for Guilford Vermont,

Sincerely, Lyle Howe, Guilford, Vermont

Lyle Howe


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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