
Slow views

We’re taking steps to get your contributions into print faster. Thank you for your patience.

As mentioned in a previous issue, the Voices section has had a record-breaking number of contributions in recent months. Despite our best efforts, some contributors have been waiting far too long to see their work in print - this week we have tried to catch up with the letters that follow. Some pieces have gone out of date faster than we could get them through the pipeline, particularly during the run-up to Annual Town Meetings and elections.

This is a) a sign that Voices is a necessary and valuable community resource and b) these delays are not acceptable.

Again, we apologize. We have been instituting several measures to make it possible for your Voices section to be more timely and responsive.

• We have already started integrating other editors who can help shepherd your contributions into print more rapidly - that's been the big challenge, and as you can imagine, our needs are not simple. We've been learning a lot as we go through this process.

• Thanks to a generous donation from a reader, I can promise to add extra pages now and then to make sure we can accommodate these important conversations. (We would have sooner, but we couldn't add extra pages for material we've run out of time to edit.)

We appreciate all of the readers who take the time to engage and to contribute to these pages. -Jeff Potter, editor

Jeff Potter

This letter to the editor was written for The Commons.

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