
‘I must assert my right to freedom of speech and expose the lies’

Re: Viewpoints by Valerie Abrahamsen ("What can businesses do to prevent Trump's return?") and Nancy Braus ("Trump is too dangerous for his opponents to play nice"), Jan. 10:

Nancy Braus claims "President Trump is too dangerous for his opponents to play nice." If Braus and her supporters are comfortable with the open southern border, with a record high of 12,600 illegal crossings in one day since recordkeeping began, and with a daily average of illegal crossings on the border at 10,000, and the current estimated number of "got-aways" into our country is two million. We don't know who they are, where they are, or what their motives are for coming here.

We do know we have stopped those on the terrorist watchlist, drug smugglers, and human trafficking at the southern border, as well as gang members and criminals.

We are being invaded. I believe immigration is important, but legal immigration, by coming in through the proper entries. So again, if Braus is OK with all of this, then she would be right that Trump is dangerous, as he would stop the illegal influx that the USA can't sustain. It's been accurately said that "a country with no borders is no country at all."

Braus also claims in her words, "This current crop of Republicans is already guilty of an amazing array of dirty tricks in order to ensure long-term electoral power," to which I have to laugh. It is quite the opposite; Republicans are trying to end the long-term money-making politicians - you know, like Bernie Sanders' 18 years and Patrick Leahy's 48 years.

If Braus is comfortable with the three different countries' wars under this administration, then, again, yes - Trump would be dangerous. Not one war started under his four-year administration, and he established the Abraham Accords to promote peace in the Middle East. Peace through strength was achieved. This current administration has us on the brink of World War III.

Braus also makes several false accusations, such as calling Trump a lifelong racist. President Donald Trump signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation's historically Black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students.

I'm not sure how Braus thinks that Trump stole two seats on the Supreme Court. That would be quite an impossible feat. If she means Trump filled two vacant seats, then she would be correct. Every president tries to accomplish this.

Abrahamsen says, "If Trump wins back the White House in November, the way we do business in this country will change, and most likely not for the better." She calls Trump an authoritarian and a dictator. Those are both false accusations.

From where I'm sitting, I'm seeing both of those accusations at work in the current administration by erasing history, by weakening our military, by shutting down our own energy sources for their Green New Deal, and by indoctrinating our children in our elementary schools.

And by doing what Abrahamsen is suggesting we do in her Viewpoint - and that is to pull funding and shut down businesses that don't agree with her viewpoint because they support her apparent nemesis.

Abrahamsen writes her piece on emotions and not facts. Reading her piece, I see more violence-inciting words than those accused of Trump for Jan. 6, when he told the crowd to march peacefully. He sent out a tweet telling the crowd to go home - that they needed to be peaceful and to respect the laws.

I believe everyone has a right to speak out on their views on the issues, whether we agree or not. However, when they project downright falsehoods, then I must assert my right to freedom of speech and expose the lies.

I'm praying for a better America, so that my children and grandchildren can experience the freedoms I have enjoyed while growing up. I may be casting myself to the wolves here, but so be it. I'm confident in the fact that I have the truth on my side.

Lyle Howe


This letter to the editor was submitted to The Commons.

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