
Thanks for helping us feed the thousands

BRATTLEBORO — We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year's Project Feed the Thousands campaign. 

With your help, we were able to meet our goal of 25 tractor trailer trucks of food (equivalent to 62,500 bags of groceries). Although we fell short of our monetary goal, each and every one of you who contributed (from loose change to a can of tuna fish to generous checks) helped over 12,000 area residents in need. 

Through your contributions, Project Feed the Thousands will be able to supply non-perishable food items for year-round distribution to households in dozens of towns served by the Brattleboro Area Drop-In Center, Chester/Andover Family Center, Deerfield Valley Food Pantry, Our Place Drop-In Center in Bellows Falls, the Townshend Food Shelf, and Hinsdale's Welfare Department Food Shelf.

We would like to especially recognize the efforts of founding sponsor WTSA-FM, as well as corporate sponsors C&S Wholesale Grocers, Entergy Vermont Yankee, the Vermont Foodbank, Leader Beverage, Peoples United Bank, Mount Snow, River Valley Credit Union, Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary, Hannaford's, and Auto Mall, who all made significant financial contributions to help us feed people in need.

In addition, the work of media sponsors who helped get out the message was a crucial part of the Project's success. We were able to spread the word far and wide, thanks to the Bellows Falls Town Crier, Brattleboro Reformer, The Communicators Group, Lucidus Corporation, The Vermont Observer, The Commons, and the Deerfield Valley News, along with radio stations WKVT, WTSA, and WYRY, who all donated print space, air time, or professional services to help us reach out to our communities.

The conclusion of this year's campaign isn't really the end. Feeding our hungry neighbors is a responsibility that requires year-round funding. 

We ask people to keep thinking of those less fortunate. Although we did not reach our goal of $125,000 you can always donate online at feedthethousands.org; send a check directly to your local food shelf; or mail a check to Project Feed the Thousands, c/o River Valley Credit Union.

Thank you one and all.

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