
Jesse Peters headlines final event in MSA's �Taste of the Arts� series

ROCKINGHAM — Saxtons River musician Jesse Peters is the featured presenter for the final event in the Main Street Arts Taste of the Arts, Tales from a Community series Thursday, March 24.

He will offer a program of original music, including new songs inspired by tour350, his bike trip across the country last summer.

The evening begins at 6 p.m. with a light supper featuring a variety of inspired pizzas, salad, dessert and beverages provided by Harvest Moon catering and friends of MSA.

Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for a child with an adult. Deadline for reservations is three days before the event.

Peters grew up in Saxtons River and studied music at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. He has been part of the area musical landscape since returning to Vermont in 2000.

He has maintained a busy schedule, performing and teaching, and making two long-distance bike tours, the 2009 Hub & Spoke tour and tour350 in 2010. In the latter adventure, he logged about 3,800 miles on his trusty Giant mountain bike, pulling his gear behind in a trailer. On the road, he performed approximately 25 shows in 10 states, stretching from Massachusetts to Nevada.

In addition, Peters sought to raise awareness of, a climate-related initiative begun by environmentalist Bill McKibben. He will present images from the journey and speak informally about the trip and the perspective gained.

A guitarist, songwriter and music educator, Peters divides his time between solo and acoustic work. He is working on a new CD that he hopes to have available at the event.

Tickets are available at Main Street Arts or through PayPal at

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