
Story on Salmon was a whitewash

BRATTLEBORO — Alert reader Charlie Hunter caught the enormous gaffe in Randy Holhut's account of Tom Salmon's DUI arrest last fall [ The Commons, Feb. 23], but Hunter went easy on both Salmon and Holhut.

Far from writing a balanced article, Holhut let his piece read like campaign PR with its whitewash of Salmon's attempt to use his state office to escape the DUI charge. (Salmon apparently also lied to the trooper about how much he had drunk.)

We expect more balance from The Commons as “independent media,” not another Fox News.

Salmon is obviously gearing up for a run for higher office. Is Holhut gearing up for a top staff job with Salmon? (It would be more honest to resign and formally do PR for the Salmon campaign.)

I'll let the readers decide whether Salmon (or a candidate of any stripe), possesses the bedrock integrity upon which to build a career in high political office.

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