What are they spraying?

What are they spraying?

TOWNSHEND — I am asking everyone who reads this letter to begin looking up.

Many of us have been seeing persistent jet contrails in the sky. We've seen them driving to work, shoveling snow, driving our kids to practice, or just out walking under our beautiful sky. We assume we are seeing normal jet activity.

I am blessed to live in a valley with a wide expanse of sky, and what I'm seeing is frightening. It has led me to question what is going on above us.

As a result, I've been learning about the geo-engineering techniques being used to mitigate the ill effects of global warming.

A little research on the Internet gives a whole host of information about persistent jet contrails (commonly called chemtrails). These are not normal contrails that evaporate quickly behind a jet; these trails stay in the sky for hours.

The trails can be seen forming grid patterns, large X's, or parallel lines stretching out from horizon to horizon. Over time, they bloom out, join, and form “cloud” cover as a haze that blocks the sun.

What exactly is being sprayed from these jets without our consent or knowledge? What are the health implications?

Since the late 1990s, thousands of people across our country and abroad have been reporting these trails in the sky. Test results from water, soil, air, and even human hair in highspray areas test positive for high levels of aluminum, barium, and other noxious particles. The West River Valley area of Vermont, to this point not tested, has had sustained activity since late summer and should be considered a high-spray area.

The long-term effects of aluminum and other chemicals has yet to be determined. However, many firmly believe that aluminum is dangerously poisonous and is a factor in asthma, Alzheimer's, and autism.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Testing of groundwater in high-spray areas has shown levels of aluminum to be over 6,400 times the normal range considered to be safe for the public. This is unacceptable!

To watch a documentary on the subject, search Youtube.com for “What in the world are they spraying?” Please inquire and research what is going on, and get others to become aware. There is strength in numbers.

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