Registration opens for Way to Go! Commuter Challenge

BRATTLEBORO — Registration has begun for the seventh annual Way to Go! Commuter Challenge, which will take place May 16-20. Online registration is fast and easy at

This event encourages the use of healthier, more earth-friendly transportation, and less expensive alternatives to driving alone.  Everyone who commits to walk, bike, telecommute, carpool, take the bus or use any alternative to driving solo will receive free giveaways and be entered in multiple drawings to win prizes - iPods, a Neuton battery-powered mower, Burton snowboards, overnight stays, restaurant gift certificates, yoga passes, spa treatments, bike tune-ups, golf and ski passes, and more. 

Earl's Cyclery and Fitness will be providing the top performing community with new bike racks. Way To Go! will also award the “Carbon Cup” trophy to the community and business that demonstrate both strong participation and significant reductions in transportation emissions during the Way To Go! week.

As in past years, businesses and communities will compete for 2011 Way to Go! awards. Go head-to-head with others to see who can encourage the highest percentage of employees to walk, bike, telecommute, carpool or take the bus from May 16-20.  The winning employers and communities will receive awards at a ceremony in June.

The Brattleboro Energy Committee has been meeting with Brattleboro-area businesses, transportation providers and advocates since November 2010 to promote transportation alternatives during Way To Go week and year-round.

Participants in this Way To Go Roundtable Group include World Learning, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, Landmark College, the town of Brattleboro, Windham Southeast Supervisory Union, Omega Optical, New Chapter, Entergy, Brattleboro Food Co-op, Marlboro College Graduate Center, Connecticut River Transit, and the Windham Regional Commission.

World Learning and the Putney Bicycle Club are sponsoring showings of the film, Riding Bikes With The Dutch, by filmmaker Michael Bauer to kick off Way To Go! week in Brattleboro. The film will be shown on Tuesday, May 3, at 12:30 p.m., in the International Center at World Learning and on Friday, May 6, at 8 p.m. at the Hooker-Dunham Theater, 139 Main St.

Last year, in just one week, more than 3,000 Way to Go! participants saved an estimated 237,000 commuting miles, 206,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, and more than $39,000 in transportation expenses. 

The Vermont Energy Investment Corp, this year's Way To Go! host, has set an ambitious goal to try and save at least 500,000 pounds of transportation pollutants.  Everyone who joins will help Vermont achieve that goal. You should register even if you already use commuting options other than a personal vehicle.

Watch the events page at for more details on the awards ceremony and other special events. For more information on ride sharing and commuting, visit GoVermont's website at

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