
The Book Cellar carries on

BRATTLEBORO — As many of you know, the fire that destroyed the Brooks House in downtown Brattleboro on April 17 dealt a lamentable blow to the town and its surrounding areas.

The Brooks House has been a vital part of Brattleboro's community life for 140 years. Additionally, The Book Cellar, a downtown Brattleboro fixture for 63 years (55 of them at its current Brooks House location) has always cherished its role in cultivating the town's vibrant spirit.

Yes, the recent fire has devastated many Brattleboro businesses and residents. Nonetheless, as is the case with most of the town, The Book Cellar remains undaunted.

In the weeks leading up to the fire, we organized an event to bring Rick Riordan, beloved author of the acclaimed Percy Jackson series of middle-grade fiction, to Brattleboro.

Despite the immediate challenges of sorting out the store's now uncertain future, we feel it is vital that The Book Cellar carry on with coordinating this unique opportunity for our town.

Riordan will hold a book signing party for his new book, The Kane Chronicles, Book Two: The Thone of Fire, during the Friday, May 6, Gallery Walk. Our fun-filled event will take place free at the River Garden in downtown Brattleboro, with doors opening at 4 p.m. Tickets for the signing line are available with the purchase of the book.

We can't wait to share this outstanding event, not only with our town, but the surrounding area, as well. We look forward to greeting the many fans of The Book Cellar and Riordan, who we know will come out in force.

To obtain your signing line ticket, contact Bartleby's Books at 802-464-5425 or [email protected], or order online 24 hours a day at www.bookcellarvt.com.

Donations in support of residents of The Brooks House Apartments may be made at the door all evening long.

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