
Town approves purchase of generator for Pleasant Valley Pump Station

BRATTLEBORO — It works “at this time” was the operative phrase used by Hannah O'Connell when describing the generator at Pleasant Valley Pump Station's tenuous remaining life.

The Selectboard approved the purchase and installation of a new generator on July 15

O'Connell, the town's water and highway superintendent, told the board that replacing the dying generator - “a critical piece of town infrastructure” - would cost approximately $22,000, including labor.

Pleasant Valley Pump Station also houses a radio tower. Without the generator, the Department of Public Works' radios, local radio station WTSA's emergency alert system, and some DPW data-collecting equipment would stop working, O'Connell had warned.

The DPW will pay for the new generator out of its capital water main budget. Although this is an unanticipated expense, O'Connell said the department believes the cost won't hinder other projects.

At the same board meeting, O'Connell discussed savings of about $17,500 that the department identified when making other equipment purchases.

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