Revis volunteers for bridge crossing-guard duty

GUILFORD — Selectboard member and Guilford Central School head custodian Troy Revis can add one more title to his résumé this year: official kid crosser.

Because of construction delays to the Green River Covered Bridge, the structure remains closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic until Sept. 30. The original contract called for the bridge to open before school started, but when workers discovered extensive damage that jeopardized the structure's safety, the end date got pushed back a month.

So did the detour.

This presents a problem to schoolchildren coming from the west side of the bridge - they cannot meet the bus, which stops on the east side of the bridge.

At the Selectboard's request, Town Administrator Katie Buckley worked out an agreement with contractors to allow children to pass in the mornings and afternoons to catch the bus, but only with the guidance of a responsible adult.

At the Aug. 22 regular Selectboard meeting, Revis recused himself from the vote - which passed unanimously, minus the abstaining Revis - to hire him as that responsible adult.

“I'll make sure the kids get across,” Revis said.

Board member Gabrielle Ciufredda thanked Revis, noting this temporary job will make his work day longer, and expressed appreciation for his flexibility.

“It's not a school problem, it's not a town problem, it's a community problem,” Revis said. “Let's just get the kids across to the bus, back and forth... [and] let's make it easy on the parents."

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