
Free film series begins at Marlboro Community Center

MARLBORO — The newly opened Marlboro Community Center will host a series of films shown weekly at 7 p.m. on Tuesday nights without admission charge.

They will be introduced by Geoffry Brown, retired professor of theater and film at Marlboro College.

The initial 12-week series, entitled “Uncovering the Truth,” will focus on the currently pertinent theme of the efforts of those in high places to prevent their past misdeeds from coming to light.

It will include such films as Erin Brockovich, the true story of one woman's crusade to reveal how a California power company was poisoning the ground water surrounding its plant., and Spotlight, the true story of the Catholic Church's effort to block The Boston Globe's revelations about pedophile priests.

There will be a discussion following the showing of each film for those who wish to stay.

A complete schedule of the showings can be picked up at the Town Clerk's Office, and it is posted on the bulletin board outside the Community Center.

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